New Lynn School uses the Skool Loop App. You can download this (for free) from the App Stores.
For iPhone Download Skool Loop (Requires iOS 9.0 or later on iPhone or iPad)
For Android Download Skool Loop
On the App, you will be able to report absences, see upcoming events, sign permission forms digitally and get notices as they occur. You'll also have access to our latest newsletter and parent interviews when they are available.
Students add posts to their journals. Student posts showcase the creative projects they've been working on
in the classroom. This could include photos, artwork, videos, activities, notes, projects they've created
in other apps, and more.
Families get notified when there are new posts in their student's journal. They can view posts and add
likes and comments.
Seesaw requires an invite from your child's teacher in order to sign up. If you do not have an invite QR code or link, contact your child's teacher. Up to 10 family members can connect to one child's journal.