New Lynn School
Rimu Team Newsletter Term 4 2024
Kia ora e te whānau!
We hope you are well rested and ready for another exciting term of learning. Be sure to keep an eye out for our fortnightly school newsletter with regular updates. These can be found on our school website or at the school office.
Here is an overview of what we will be learning about this term
Maths: Number Knowledge - Addition/Subtraction and Multiplication/Division
Writing: Recount, Poetry, Information Report and Persuasive Writing
Reading: Continue to focus on the nine comprehension strategies
Topic: Sea creatures and preparation for our showcase based on The Arrival
Physical Education: Athletics, small-ball skills and team games
Arts: Dance, drama and cultural art
I.C.T: Being CyberSmart Learners and Digital Citizens
PB4L: Integrating Mitey (mental health education) across all subjects and revisiting our school values - respect yourself, respect the environment and respect others
Key competencies: Managing self, Relating to others, Participating & Contributing, Thinking, Using language symbols & texts
Important Dates for Term 4
Showcase: Wednesday 30 October *** Postponed due to wet weather - now Thursday 31 October
Diwali Celebration: Monday 4 November
School Athletics: Friday 8 November
Interschool Athletics: Friday 15 November
Teacher Only Day: Friday 29 November
Prizegiving: Thursday 12 December
Year 6 Graduation: Thursday 19 December
Last Day of Term: Friday 20 December
School Day
Our school starts at 8.55am. We encourage children to arrive no earlier than 8am as teachers are not available for supervision before this time.
Breakfast Club
Our Breakfast Club is open from 8am most mornings in the Learning Centre next to the office. They are always looking for volunteers, so please let us know if you are free to help out.
It is very important your child attends school every day so they will not miss out on any learning. If your child is away please contact the school office prior to 9am on (09) 827 4382 or notify the school office via the Skool Loop app. If this is not possible please send a note the next day. If you need to take your child out of school during the day you will need to sign them out at the school office before collecting them.
Please make sure that all uniforms are clearly named. Please remind your child about putting clothing straight into their bags when they take something off. Check clothes regularly as names do come off in the wash! With summer around the corner, students are encouraged to bring a hat to school each day. School hats can be purchased from the school office or NZ Uniforms. Any unnamed lost property that is found around the school will be sent to our lost property bins in the learning centre.
A reminder that we are a water only school, so please - no juice, hydration drinks (e.g. Powerade, Prime), fizzy drinks or flavoured milk drinks.
Homework/Home Learning
Rimu Syndicate homework will be sent home with a spelling list and some activities at the beginning of each week and is due back on Fridays. We encourage students to do 15-20 minutes of reading each day and would love for parents/whānau to discuss the reading with them. All other homework will be uploaded on Seesaw.
Kind regards,
Kusum Singh (Team leader), Neelesh Desai, Leitu Vaega, Christina Fortes and Ji Gao
Mr Desai - Rimu 2 Vaega - Rimu 3 Fortes - Rimu 5 Gao - Rimu 6